David Anthoff

Associate Professor, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used widely in academic research and in policy analysis. His research has appeared in Nature, Science, the American Economic Review, Nature Climate Change, the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and other academic journals. He contributed a background research paper to the Stern Review and has advised numerous organizations (including US EPA and the Canadian National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy) on the economics of climate change.

Contact: anthoff@berkeley.edu, Personal page

Paige Weber

Assistant Professor, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Paige Weber is an environmental economist studying energy, equity, and policy, and an assistant professor in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG). She uses methods in applied microeconomics and industrial organization to answer questions in energy, equity, and policy. A primary goal of her research is to understand the determinants and solutions to environmental inequality, with other work that studies emerging trends in energy markets.

Contact: paigeweber@berkeley.edu, Personal page

Nica Campbell

PhD student, Energy and Resource Group

Bio: Nica's primary interests lie in probing pathways for circular economy by examining the social costs behind supply chains and enhancing market transparency. She is a researcher for a Grantham foundation creating a measurement to evaluate carbon capturing technologies to enhance effective investment for decarbonizing the energy market. Prior to joining ERG, Nica worked in corporate finance in Japan and the UK. She holds an Environmental Economics & Policy BS degree with honors from UC Berkeley.

Contact: nicacampbell@berkeley.edu

Anaya Hall

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Anaya is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at UC Berkeley. Prior to joining ERG, Anaya attended the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University where she earned a Master of Science in Agriculture, Food and Environment and a Certificate in Water Systems. As an InFEWS and DS421 Fellow, she is interested in using quantitative spatial analysis to investigate multiscale dynamics of critical environmental and resource concerns at the nexus of agriculture, water and energy. At ERG she hopes to build on her interdisciplinary background, linking ecological and economic sciences to promote equitable, sustainable, and climate-resilient food systems. Anaya holds a B.A. in Human Biology from Stanford University. She enjoys hiking, gardening and sharing meals with friends.

Contact: anayahall@berkeley.edu

Cora Kingdon

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Cora is interested in modeling the impacts of climate change on ecosystems around the world, and estimating these impacts for humans in welfare terms. She is also interested in how we can better manage and maintain ecosystems for carbon sequestration and adaptation to climate impacts. Prior to ERG, Cora worked on integrated assessment modeling as part of the Social Cost of Carbon Initiative at Resources for the Future in Washington DC. She holds a BS in Environmental Economics from UC Berkeley.

Contact: ckingdon@berkeley.edu

Eli Lazarus

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Eli is an Ecological Economist, investigating non-market value and externalities using mulitple tools and frameworks in order to address the most profound problems we face as a species such as climate change. He is currently working on open-source Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling. Eli holds a Masters of Science in Energy and Resources and graduated summa cum laude in Economics from San Francisco State University. Eli worked for several years as a Research Scientist maintaining and developing the Ecological Footprint with the non-profit think tank, Global Footprint Network. He was the production and development lead on both a material-flow and multi region input output based model for the Ecological Footprint of all nations. Eli is from Australia and likes sailing.

Contact: lazarus.eli@berkeley.edu

Sangcheol Moon

PhD student, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Bio: Sangcheol is interested in feedstock resources and materials loop modeling under the scenario of institutional regulation to support circular economy, Industrial ecology, green chemistry, and the design and implementation mechanisms of public policy and diffusion of technological innovation. She is also interested in firms’ sustainability decision making mechanisms to incorporate and influence environmental regulatory framework. Sangcheol intends to make meaningful contributions to lower the barriers that impede the implementation of green technologies and foster business driven innovation by designing new business models that support the economically efficient and ecologically effective use of resources. Prior to her MA, Sangcheol worked at LG Economic Research Institute in Seoul focusing on the chemicals industry and sustainable business management. She earned her B.S. and M.S. from Seoul National University. In her free time, Sangcheol loves playing with her kids, cooking, and listening to classical music.

Contact: sangcheol_moon@​berkeley.​edu

Clayton Munnings

PhD Student, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Clayton Munnings is a graduate student with the Energy Resources Group and the West Coast Representative of the International Emissions Trading Association. His research interests focus on the design, implementation, and assessment of climate policies including carbon pricing, carbon offsets, and carbon neutrality. Clayton came to Berkeley from a career in climate policy, recently serving as an economist in the Executive Office of the California Air Resources Board. Before that, he spent five years as a Senior Research Associate at Resources for the Future leading research projects and authoring over two dozen academic articles and issue briefs on carbon pricing in the United States, China, and Europe. Clayton operates his own consultancy and serves on the board of Earthshot Now, a non-profit creating a virtual reality video game about climate change. He holds a B.S. in Science of Natural and Environmental Systems with Research Honors in Applied Economics from Cornell University.

Contact: clayton_munnings@berkeley.edu

Lisa Rennels

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Lisa is interested in using computer science to explore issues related to the economic impacts of climate change, and to support research and policy-making in this area. She currently works on software development of the Mimi package to support the construction and use of integrated assessment models, as well as uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis. Her Master’s project work focused on global sensitivity analysis as applied to integrated assessment models. She spent the three years previous to ERG working at an environmental consulting firm called Industrial Economics Inc. where she leveraged data analysis, computer programming, and GIS to work on projects related to the economic affects of climate change, specifically those related to water resources, and assist policy-makers in planning paths forward. She has a B.A. from Dartmouth College in Environmental Studies, focused on environmental economics, and a Post-Baccalaureate Computer Science Minor from Tufts University.

Contact: lrennels@berkeley.edu, Personal page

Esther Shears

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Esther researches how climate change will impact the financial sector and how the private sector and regulatory agencies are responding to climate-related financial risks. She is interested in the assessment and valuation of these risks, as well as the extent to which pre-competitive collaboration among firms can advance sustainability and climate-conscious efforts. Esther recently completed a concurrent MS-MPP program within ERG and the Goldman School of Public Policy, for which she examined how the commercialization of Landsat’s satellite imagery impacted the progress of academic research worldwide. Prior to beginning her graduate studies at UC Berkeley, she worked for the U.S. Department of Justice as a statistician in the Economic Analysis Group of the Antitrust Division. Esther holds an honors BA degree in Economics from Occidental College where she studied industrial organization and the connection between financial markets in emerging economies and the development of renewable energy sectors.

Contact: esther_shears@berkeley.edu

Liyang Wang

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Liyang is a Master’s student in the Energy & Resources Group and a Senior Research Associate in the Building Technology and Urban Systems Division at Berkeley Lab. She focuses on the decision-making process around low-carbon technology adoption and climate adaptation policy. Her work at Berkeley Lab aims to identify and remove institutional barriers to low-carbon technology adoption. At ERG, she is interested in integrating equity, environmental, and economic concerns in the climate adaptation decision-making framework. Previously, Liyang worked at Eversource as an Energy-efficiency Program Manager and completed a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

Contact: liyangwang@​berkeley.​edu

Cody Warner

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group

Bio: Cody is an MA student in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. Cody's primary motivation is to minimize emissions in the electricity sector that harm our society and environment. As a research assistant with the Electricity Markets and Policy Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Cody also studies the impact of variable renewable energy on electricity markets. Most recently, he modeled the future of retail electricity pricing in the context of high penetration levels of variable renewable energy. Prior to his graduate work, Cody was a Senior Research Analyst at The Brattle Group in San Francisco. In one of his projects at Brattle, Cody built econometric models that detected elevated rates of birth abnormalities and cancer incidence rates in areas exposed to PFC contamination. The State of Minnesota v. 3M Co resulted in a $850m settlement, the largest environmental lawsuit in the history of Minnesota. Cody earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Environmental Policy from Northwestern University.

Contact: codywarner@​berkeley.​edu

Former Members

Ryan Andresen

Master's student, Energy and Resources Group (2021-2023)

Contact: ryanandresen@berkeley.edu

Hélène Benveniste

Visiting PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2018)

Hélène visited from the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.

Contact: helene.benveniste@princeton.edu, Website

Alex Dolginow

Master's student, Energy and Resources Group (2016-2018)

Contact: adolginow@berkeley.edu

Johannes Emmerling

Visiting Researcher, Energy and Resources Group (2014)

Johannes visited from FEEM.

Contact: johannes.emmerling@feem.it, Website

Frank Errickson

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2014-2020)

Contact: FrankErrickson@​berkeley.​edu, Website

Will Gorman

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (?-2023)

Contact: will.gorman5@gmail.com, Twitter

Wolfgang Habla

Visiting PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2014)

Wolfgang visited from LMU Munich.

Stephen Jarvis

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2015-2020)

Contact: jarviss@berkeley.edu, Website

Kevin Kaushal

Visiting PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2016-2017)

Kevin visited from the School of Economics and Business at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

Contact: kevin@kaushal.no

Catherina Ledna

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2017-2020)

Contact: cledna@berkeley.edu

Michelle Levinson

MA/MPP student, Energy and Resources Group (2016-2019)

Contact: levinson@berkeley.edu

Niklas Lollo

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2015-2020)

Contact: lollon@​berkeley.​edu

Giacomo Marangoni

Visiting PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2015)

Giacomo visited from FEEM.

Contact: giacomo.marangoni@feem.it

Gabriela Michalek

Visiting PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2015)

Gabriela visited from the European University Viadrina, Germany and the Reims Management School, France.

Priyanka Mohanty

Master's student, Energy and Resources Group (2020-2022)

Contact: pmohanty8@​berkeley.​edu

Frances Moore

Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2015-2016)

Contact: fmoore@ucdavis.edu, Website

James Rising

Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow, Energy and Resources Group (2015-2017)

Contact: j.a.rising@lse.ac.uk, Website

Karina Snow French

Masters Student, Energy and Resources Group (2019-2021)

Contact: ksfrench@berkeley.edu

Cecilia Han Springer

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2014-2019)

Contact: cecilia.​h.​springer@​berkeley.​edu, Twitter

Elif Tasar

PhD student, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics

Contact: elif_tasar@berkeley.edu

Valeri Vasquez

PhD student, Energy and Resources Group (2016-2023)

Contact: vnvasquez@​berkeley.​edu, Personal Website

Leonie Wenz

Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2018-2019)

Contact: leonie.wenz@​berkeley.​edu, Personal page

Anna Yip

Masters student, Energy and Resources Group (2019-2021)

Contact: yipyipanna@​berkeley.​edu